Tantárgy kódja
Tantárgy neve
Gépészmérnöki szaknyelvi kommunikáció I. (angol, német nyelv)
Tantárgy angol neve
LSP: Technical English/Technisches Deutsch
Félévi követelmény
Gyakorlati jegy
Heti óraszám
0 + 2
+ Gyakorlat
Ajánlott félév
Cél angol
Students should be introduced into the language of mechanical engineering in English/German. They should acquire skills helping them to read and understand English/German-language specialised articles and literature, translate them into Hungarian and communicate about engineering topics. Participants will get to know the basics of technical vocabulary and be able to name fundamental elements of machines and their manufacturing procedures.
The cours also aims to develop the students’ linguistic competence to an extent which is necessary for a job interview and/or a discussion on a technical issue, thus enhancing the students’ chances in the job market.
Tartalom angol
Job profile of a mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineering curriculum and subjects. physics. Engineering materials. Machine elements (joints, chain and belt drives, gears and gearing, etc.). Internal combustion engines. Production engineering (welding, cutting, heat treatments, casting, etc.). Job interview.
Gyakorlati jegy (Írásbeli köztes és záró dolgozat)
Számonkérés angol
A mid-term test and an end-term test
1. Hegymegi, Éva (2004): Műszaki angol – Technical English. B+V Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft. 2. Ibbotson, Mark (2009): Professional English in Use. Engineering. Technical English for Professionals. Cambridge. 3. Jayendran, Ariacutty (2002): Englisch für Maschinenbauer. 4. Auflage. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden. 4. Modern Automotive Technology – Fundamentals, Service, Diganostics. 1st English Edition. Haan-Gruiten, 2006.
Irodalom angol
1. Hegymegi, Éva (2004): Műszaki angol – Technical English. B+V Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft. 2. Ibbotson, Mark (2009): Professional English in Use. Engineering. Technical English for Professionals. Cambridge. 3. Jayendran, Ariacutty (2002): Englisch für Maschinenbauer. 4. Auflage. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden. 4. Modern Automotive Technology – Fundamentals, Service, Diganostics. 1st English Edition. Haan-Gruiten, 2006.
Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja
Tantárgyfelelős oktató
Dr. Csiky Nándor